For years, I had suffered from migraines. This led to seizures and to TiA's. No doctor could give me the reason why or help me. All I got was more medicine (I was up to 14 pills every day).
After one month I am now down to three in the morning and two at night. I haven't had any seizures and have only had a few migraines. Compared to before, I am able to get out of bed for a reason. I have my life back!!
My life has changed so much since I started going to Gulf Coast Family chiropractic! First time ever to have x-rays done which actually proved what my problems were with my hips! Everyone is so kind and caring and Dr. Christian Reagan is doing a great job with my condition! I can sleep all night with no pain for the first time in over a year! Thank you so much!
Very friendly staff! Dr. Bachman actually wants to help people to get well and live as best as they can.
I met Dr. Alicia several years ago. She was a guest speaker that day. I am a retired nurse and had never given much thought to chiropractic treatment. I was so impressed with her as a person and a doctor. I made an appointment to see her.
When I started coming to see her, I had limited movement in my neck, pain at night and pain when I woke up. My back was weak. I had allergies and a chemical sensitivity. I now have full movement in my neck and no longer have pain. My back is much better. I am not sick with my regular allergies.
Since I have been coming to Dr. Alicia, I have only been sick twice and it was only for a few days each time. We are still working on my chemical sensitivity. I drove 1 1/2 hours each way, twice a week for a year. I am still driving 45 minutes each way to see her. It has well been worth it for me.
She has a special gift from God, in treating and making each of us feel special.
Beautiful, clean facility! Staff was nice and made my family feel comfortable. Dr. Bachman listened to my concerns and had me feeling so much better. Highly recommend!
I feel like I've finally gotten a road map to a better life. I've been losing weight and feeling better, more alive. I've also found myself feeling less stressed out with the daily grind. I've been able to take charge of situations which would normally send me into a panic.
JUST WONDERFUL ALL THE WAY AROUND!!! They are all so sweet and treat you like family and care about your overall health. Dr. Bachman truly cares and wants the best for you!
2 Years ago I fell down two flights of stairs, I was referred to an Orthopedic specialist and was told that I needed both of my knees replaced without having any xrays done or any tests performed. I saw an AD on facebook that changed my life! When I first entered the doors Gulf Coast Family Chiropractic I was greeted by the most welcoming staff and enveloped by scents that I have never smelled before! (Young Living Pure Essential Oils) These scents provided me with a welcoming hug as I met with Dr.Bachman.
After having my xrays taken I returned to my day two visit where Dr.Bachman went over my xrays and discovered that I didn’t need knee replacements at all! It turns out that my fall had unaligned my hips and was causing me to put more pressure on one knee than the other, which in return was causing my knees to give out randomly. After being treated by Dr.Bachman for a few weeks I noticed my knees were not giving out anymore and after a year I no longer have had any issues at all! My hips are evened out and I can actually breathe better! If you are looking to get the best chiropractic care from a compassionate Dr who cares about your well being and wants to see you feel 100% I highly recommend Dr.Bachman. He will change your life for the better so you can be your best self and without pain.
We’re not patients at this clinic, we are family!
Thank you for all you have done for me!
I always love coming here to the calming atmosphere. Best adjustments. He listens to my needs. I feel lighter than air.
I struggled for a week with what I couldn't decide was a cold, allergies, or a sinus infection. My head hurt, my chest hurt and I was very worn out. Almost immediately after being adjusted by
Doctor Alicia my head felt better, I could breathe better and most of the congestion in my chest was gone. By the second adjustment I had more energy and felt completely back to normal.
Thank you Doctor Alicia!
I struggled for a week with what I couldn't decide was a cold, allergies, or a sinus infection. My head hurt, my chest hurt and I was very worn out. Almost immediately after being adjusted by
Doctor Alicia my head felt better, I could breathe better and most of the congestion in my chest was gone. By the second adjustment I had more energy and felt completely back to normal.
Thank you Doctor Alicia!
I struggled for a week with what I couldn't decide was a cold, allergies, or a sinus infection. My head hurt, my chest hurt and I was very worn out. Almost immediately after being adjusted by
Doctor Alicia my head felt better, I could breathe better and most of the congestion in my chest was gone. By the second adjustment I had more energy and felt completely back to normal.
Thank you Doctor Alicia!
I struggled for a week with what I couldn't decide was a cold, allergies, or a sinus infection. My head hurt, my chest hurt and I was very worn out. Almost immediately after being adjusted by
Doctor Alicia my head felt better, I could breathe better and most of the congestion in my chest was gone. By the second adjustment I had more energy and felt completely back to normal.
Thank you Doctor Alicia!
Dear Dr. Alicia
I just wanted to let you know that the last 3 weeks have changed my life. I have been battling different diets and low calorie diets for years, running, weight training etc. And the combination of Surge and the healing diet is finally a life style I can live with and achieve my weight loss as well as fitness.
In the last 3 weeks I have lost 10 pounds and almost 3 inches off my waist and 1 whole inch of my thighs, I have tons of energy and feel strong and healthy. Igor and I have signed up for our first 5k Feb 12, and plan to sign up for more finally building up to the Mullet man Tri in April. This is a Huge accomplishment for me alone, this Healing Diet has given me the strength to face my fears.
The greatest of all is not only will this plan better my life, but also my Husbands, and our unborn children. My parents are even seeing a difference in our life styles and are trying to adapt theirs too. Overall I am very pleased with the results and am blessed to have you in my life. I love you and thank you for everything you have done for Igor and l. I did not keep up with the points as I only wanted to do this plan for personal reasons, rather than winning, but I truly feel like the Biggest winner. Thank you.
Dr. Alicia & Dr. Amanda,
When I received the first email about the Biggest Winner challenge I felt a small tug in
my heart. So I just left it in my inbox because with everything else going on I felt like I did not
have time to deal with it. Throughout the week that followed when I would have down time the
email would come to my mind. Then on January 3rd my mom actually handed me a flyer for it
and I was shocked. I realized God wanted me to go but I was unsure of why or what plan he had
for me. When I walked into the first meeting on January 5th honestly it was the last place I
wanted to be. I hadn't slept in over twenty-four hours, emotionally exhausted, and hurting. As I
listened to you speak I felt energized and God showed me the very reason I was supposed to be
there. The first three weeks of deployment are the hardest and the Biggest Winner challenge was
the same amount of time. God had sent me to it to show me that I wasn't alone and that I needed
The past three weeks have been miraculous for me. I have dieted all of my life and they
never worked. What you have showed me is that lifestyle changes are what work. When I
stepped on the scale this morning and saw that I had lost over 5% of my body weight I was
floored. I have also learned that exercise is not my enemy it actually is a lot of fun. My gains
these past three weeks far outweigh my losses. I have gained a stronger understanding of my
health and I am taking ownership of it. I have gained a deeper relationship with God. The biggest
gain was a positive self-attitude. I have always been very critical and mean to myself. In the
beginning it was hard to be positive but now it is automatic. When I stood in front of the mirror
this morning the first thought that popped into my head was "you are awesome". I realized then
how far I have truly come these past few weeks.
I just wanted to thank both of you for everything you have done. For being there for me
when I needed to talk and times when I needed encouragement. I would not have made it through
these past three weeks without you. What I have learned will not stop once the challenge comes
to an end. I am turning my body into the temple it was meant to be.
Thank you for everything,
I am a 57 year old Navy retiree! have had 8 by passes at age 47 after a heart attack. At age 48 I had a 2nd heart attack and had to have 2 stents operations. Two years ago, I had a mini stroke; then about a year ago, I woke up one morning, my left ear was plugged up and I couldn't hear anything. I went to my ENT doctor; he told me I had lost 85% of my hearing on my left ear after running some tests. He prescribed me to have a hearing aid fitted. By this time, I had also lost 75% of my right ear as well. They could not offer me any explanations as why I lost my hearing so suddenly.
In the meantime, my daughter had been troubled by TMJ for about 3 years and finally went to seek help from Dr. Alicia Farrell after seeing numerous specialists to no avail. Dr. Alicia was able to improve her condition after first adjustment. We were absolutely ecstatic! After being educated about the benefit of Chiropractic care by Dr. Alicia, we decided to sign up the whole family to be adjusted 3 times a week. Unbeknown to me, after the first adjustment, my hearing on my right ear was slowly coming back. By the third adjustment, the hearing in my right ear had returned to normal. My ENT doctors could not explain it but were ecstatic of my outcome. Because of the hearing loss, I was also diagnosed with Meniere’s Disease (it's an advance vertigo type symptom, which is very debilitating) It will come upon mewith no warning, It has gotten to a point where I will at least one dizzy spell per day, the only thing I can do is to lay down until it past. I was told there is no known cure. I just have to live with it. I brought this to Dr. Alicia's attention, she was able to treat me and now I no longer have any dizzy spells.
I am amazed and grateful that Chiropractic can help me in so many ways. I feel compelled to spread the words so many more others who suffer the same can benefit and have better quality of life. Today, I am feeling stronger, feeling younger, consequently; I am currently off my heart and high blood pressure meds with my doctor's supervision. I have been under Dr. Alicia's care since March, I actually feel more energetic than ever and I owe it all to the Chiropractic care.
VICKI M. (57)
My new life began February 2009. Years of living a defeated life of chronic pain, yoyo dieting and just "existing" were now going to change. I never succeeded in my previous tries because I was depending on others to change me. In reality only I can change me. That is something I've learned from
Maximized Living.
I was on BP, diabetes thyroid, and lots pain killers, actually just temporary fix to an overall problem. My body was not functioning as it was made due to a lot of interference. I was just tired of
being tired and sick.
First I worked on getting my spine in order. Several accidents as a child along with numerous car
accidents had done a number on it. I started correcting the "effects" by committing to chiropractic care.
I found a chiropractor and staff that truly were committed to helping me achieve my goal. They also introduced me to steps on getting my whole body fit (mind and spirit included.) I'm currently only on a
low dose of thyroid medication and am confident that I will be medication free soon.
I now have learned to change my outlook on life and on what's most important. Taking time out for me does help de-stress my life. My husband loves the new me ... so much so he has decided to challenge himself as well. I am taking it one day at a time. As long as I am living and moving I am changing me inside and out! My physical body has changed but not as much as my mental body. I never
really made goals for myself but as I meet and surpass the ones I now have made for myself and can
reach out to others in confidence that I can help them reach their maximized life too!
"Cruise-bound maximizer"
My Testimony
I am 32 years old and I have been in the care of the State Mental Health Services for almost half of my life. I have a case file about five inches thick that includes medications, treatments, behavioral problems, anger management problems, health problems, mental problems, and "diagnosis" on what is wrong with me. I have been on almost every "Mental Illness Medication" that is out there. When the medication that I was prescribed didn't work that week, they would have me on another the next week. I had nervous breakdowns, mental breakdowns, anxiety attacks, bed-wetting, menstrual problems (you would not want to be 10 foot of me during this time). It came to the point that for 4 weeks in a row, they had me on a different medication. By the time I would get one in my system - they where shoving another one down my throat. I was suicidal, angry at the world and ready to kill anyone who crossed my path wrong. I called a friend of mine and said to her, "If you don't help me - I'm going to die!" My friend told me that she would take me to the doctor and for me to meet her at her house because she didn't want me driving in fear that I would kill myself or someone else on the road. I don't remember how I got to her house, but when I got in her truck, she said, "I'm taking you to Dr. Alicia because she is the only one that can help you". I cried all the way to Dr. A's.
I didn't know what was going on with me and why no medication was working. I didn't understand why the State Mental Health could not find out what the real cause of my problems was and fix it. I didn't understand why I was just a number to the SMH and not a human being and why they didn't care. My friend had already talked to Dr. A about my mental condition and let her know that I was coming. When I arrived at Dr A's office - I filled out a questionnaire, had x-rays done, and a thermal scan of my spine. My brain stem and axis was twisted and being pinched causing the mental illness. The medications were causing the suicidal thoughts and depression. I got on a treatment program with Dr. A, I am completely off all meds, and I am doing great. I am happy all time and when I got my first adjustment I just broke out in pure laughter, something that I had not done in years and I think it also surprised Dr A! I cannot stress enough the importance of chiropractic care and keeping your spine in alignment. Thanks to Dr A and Gulf Coast Family Chiropractic and my friend - I am still alive!
Here is a list of medications that are used for Mental Health Illness. I have been on about 80i'o of these through the years - I urge you to stop taking all of these medications because they cause suicidal thoughts!
Acamprosate, Adapin, Adderall, Alprazolam, Amantadine, Amitriptyline, Amoxccine. Amoxetine Hydrochloride. Amphetamine Mixed Salts. Ancfronil. An+cbuse Aricept, A'ripiprazole, Artane Asendin, Atenolol, Ativan, Atomoxetine HC,! Atretol, Aventyl, Bupropion, Buspar, Buspirone, Calcium Carbimide, Calcium Carbonate, Caltrex, C'":ampral, Carbamazepine,Carbolith, Catapres- TTS, Celexa ,Chlordiazepoxide, Chlorpromazine, Cibalith ,Citalopram, Citracal, Clomipramine, Clonazepam, Clonidine, Clorazepate, Clozapine, Clozaril, Concerta, Cylert ,Cymbalta, Dalmane, Depakene, Depakote, Desipramine, Desoxyn,Desyrel ,Dexedrine ,Dexmethylphenidate Hydrochloride, Dextroamphetamine,Dextrostat , .Dktz~, Oilantin, Diphen, .DlP-hentoin ,DiphenyJan ,Disulfiram, Divalproex, Donepezil Hydrochloride ,Doxepin ,Duloxetine, Edronax ,Effexor ,Elavil, Endep, Epitol, Equetro, Eskalith, Escitalopram,Etrafon, ~elon, Fazacio ,FluQxetine ,Fluphenazine, Flurazepam,.Fluvoxamine ,.FocaJ. Gabapentin, Galantamine, Geodon, Halcion, Haldol, Haloperidol, Imipramine, Janimine, Klonopin, Lamictal, Lamotrigine, Largactil, Levoprome IM, Lexapro, Libritabs, Librium I Lithane, Lithium, Lithobid, Lithonate, Lithotabs, Lorazep, Loxapine, Loxitane, Ludiomil, Luvox, Maprotiline, Mellaril, Memantine, Mesoridazine,Methamphetamine, Methotrimeprazine, Methylphenidate, Mirtazapine, Moban, Modecate, Molindone, Mylan Clozapine, Naltrexone, Namenda, Nardil, Navane, Nefazodone, Neurontin, Norpramine, Nortriptyline, Nozinan, Olanzapine, Qrnp., Os-Cal, Pameloc Parnate, Paroxetine, Paxil, PemADD, Pemoline, Permitil, Perphenazine, Pertofrane, Phenelzine, Phenytoin, Pimozide, Prolixin, Prozac, Quetiapine, Razadyne, Reboxetine, Remeron, ReVia, Risperdal, Risperidone, Ritalin, RivastigmineTartrate, Serentil, Seroquel, Sertraline, Serzone, Symmetrel, Sinequan, Stelazine, Strattera, Suboxone ,Symbyax, Tegretol, Temposil, Tenormin, Thioridazine, Thiothixene, Thorazine, Titralae, Tofranil, Topamax, Topiramate, Tranylcypromine, franxene, Trazodone, Trazon, Trialodine, Triazolam, Trifluoperazine, Trihexyphenidyl ,Tri/afon, Valium, Valproate, Valproic Acid, Va/release, Ven/afaxine, Vestra, Vyvanse, Wellbutrin, Xanax, Ziprasidone, Zoloft, Zopiclone, Zyban, Zydis, ZyprexQ,
Dear Dr. Alicia,
I just wanted to let you know that the last 3 weeks has changed my life. I have been batteling different diets and low calorie diets for years, running, weight training etc. And the combination of Surge and the healing diet is finally a life style I can live with and achieve my weight loss as well as fitness.
In the last 3 weeks I have lost 10 Ibs and almost 3 inches off my waiste and 1 whole inch of my thighs, I have tons of energy and feel strong and heaity. Igor and I have signed up for our first 5k Feb 12, and plan to sign up for more finally building up to the Mullet man Tri in April. This is a Huge accomplishement for me alone, this Healing Diet has given me the strength to face my fears.
The greatest of all is not only will this plan better my life, but also my Husbands, and our unborn children. My parents are even seeing a difference in our life styles and are trying to adapt theirs too. Overall I am very pleased with the results and am blessed to have you in my life. I love you and thank you for everything you have done for Igor and l. I did not keep up with the points as I only wanted to do this plan for personal reasons, rather than winning, but I truly feel like the Biggest winner. Thank you.
I struggled for a week with what I couldn't decide was a cold, allergies, or a sinus infection. My head hurt, my chest hurt and I was very worn out. Almost immediately after being adjusted by
Doctor Alicia my head felt better, I could breathe better and most of the congestion in my chest was gone. By the second adjustment I had more energy and felt completely back to normal.
Thank you Doctor Alicia!
The best way for me to tell you how far I have come is to tell you were I have been. I will share with you how Lupus affects me. I was diagnosed 17 years ago within two months of having my second child. And for the first 4 years I couldn't do anything. Not even take care of the girls like I should. Then I went into remission and only had minor flares here and there. I always had pain, kind of a constant ache. Then about 2 years ago I started having heart issues. I was having palpatations a lot. I passed out once with a heart rate of over 200. I also have had a few mini strokes. Very scary. My body went into a full blown Lupus flare. Do you know that feeling after a workout and your body is so sore you can hardly move. There has been numerous days when I have had to have someone help me dress, help me shower, and now and then they even had to help me feed myself. That is how feel on most days. I have gotten used to the pain for the most part. But I also have a lot of fogginess. And what I call checking out. I can hear everything that is going on I just can't comprehend it and respond. I started coming to see you in Nov. 2011 and since then I only have maybe one really bad day about every 3 weeks. I am still ache all the time but I can move and walk. I never thought I would be so happy to be able to wash clothes and cook again for my family. The simple task of cutting and chopping really take is out of my arms and makes them feel very heavy and weak.
Gulf Coast Chiropractic has helped me and my family a lot. My daughter used to have headaches all the time and now rarely has them. We have a long way to go but the progress that we together have started is phenomenal. You all have taught us the fundamentals of nutrition and exercise.
I am able to walk around more, shop without using a scooter and am able to drive at times were I was not able to 6 months ago. I really feel that I am gaining some independence back has really improved my moral. I used to suffer from depression but I feel that lifting more and more each day.
I cannot thank GCFC enough for everything you have done for us. You make us feel like a part of your family and not a cold doctor's office. We look forward to our continued treatment.
Dr. Alicia & Dr. Amanda,
When I received the first email about the Biggest Winner challenge I felt a small tug in
my heart. So I just left it in my inbox because with everything else going on I felt like I did not
have time to deal with it. Throughout the week that followed when I would have down time the
email would come to my mind. Then on January 3rd my mom actually handed me a flyer for it
and I was shocked. I realized God wanted me to go but I was unsure of why or what plan he had
for me. When I walked into the first meeting on January 5th honestly it was the last place I
wanted to be. I hadn't slept in over twenty-four hours, emotionally exhausted, and hurting. As I
listened to you speak I felt energized and God showed me the very reason I was supposed to be
there. The first three weeks of deployment are the hardest and the Biggest Winner challenge was
the same amount of time. God had sent me to it to show me that I wasn't alone and that I needed
The past three weeks have been miraculous for me. I have dieted all of my life and they
never worked. What you have showed me is that lifestyle changes are what work. When I
stepped on the scale this morning and saw that I had lost over 5% of my body weight I was
floored. I have also learned that exercise is not my enemy it actually is a lot of fun. My gains
these past three weeks far outweigh my losses. I have gained a stronger understanding of my
health and I am taking ownership of it. I have gained a deeper relationship with God. The biggest
gain was a positive self-attitude. I have always been very critical and mean to myself. In the
beginning it was hard to be positive but now it is automatic. When I stood in front of the mirror
this morning the first thought that popped into my head was "you are awesome". I realized then
how far I have truly come these past few weeks.
I just wanted to thank both of you for everything you have done. For being there for me
when I needed to talk and times when I needed encouragement. I would not have made it through
these past three weeks without you. What I have learned will not stop once the challenge comes
to an end. I am turning my body into the temple it was meant to be.
Thank you for everything.
I can't thank you enough for a week of therapy, advice and telling us about where to go for great sea food. We had another great experience in Gulf Shores.
We came home to 45* weather, grey skies and rain.
I think I found a good chiropractor, Steve M, his wife Lorene also is a chiropractor and it's close to home.
He asked a lot of questions about you. He feels my traps and scalenes are angry and inflamed. He is trying to settle them down.
Thanks again for your time and consideration. I wish you could treat me.
Thanks again for everything. Beth L
God sent His angels
In 2009, I received a neck and back injury at work. Little did I know what the next 14 months would bring. 1 went from a happy, fun loving person who enjoyed fishing, riding our motorcycle and playing with my grandchildren to an unhappy, pain racked, pill popping grouch. After physical therapy, hydrotherapy and massage therapy failed, X rays, C T scans, M R 1, and many doses of different along with bone spurs and bulging disc in my lower back. The diagnosis of these disorders lead to 18 months of changing, increasing doses of pain medicines that turned me into zombie who wanted
nothing more than to be left alone in my misery.
My journey with medicine began with Hydrocodone APAP 5 every 6 hours, and increased to 10/500 every 4 -6 hours, when this failed we added alieve every fours P R N. When this combination failed to control my " discomfort", I began my journey with neurologist, neurosurgeons, and rheumatologist. This led me to new scans with more contrast that found new problems which led to nerve and muscle conduction studies. I survived being shocked, then having needles placed in all the muscles from my feet up to my shoulders then down to my fingers. This was not conclusive and gave no reason for the numbness in my hands and feet; it did however rule out carpal tunnel. Also ruled out was M. S. suspected when one of the scans found spots on my spine and brain.
In the midst of all of this, I developed severe abdominal pains with nausea, this led to a CT which led to a Hyda scan, more contrast, that discovered my gall bladder was bad leading to gallbladder surgery.
In all my visits to a total of 8 different physicians, all discouraged chiropractors stating that they would possibly make matters worse. I spent thousands of dollars, endured tortuous tests, multiple narcotics and in the end, nothing had changed.
My journey was at a standstill, my thoughts often drifted to just taking enough medicine to stop the pain I was enduring and the stress and disruption of the life my family was forced to endure.
After another doctor's appointment, my husband and I went to a Chinese restaurant. While at the food bar my husband noticed a lady wearing a badge with a chiropractor's name on it. He asked some general questions and was given a coupon for a free visit. Since I had been "warned" about the damage that could be done, I was anything but thrilled. After several weeks of encouragement from my husband, I reluctantly made an appointment with Dr. Alicia. Armed with all my X rays, M R I and other scans, we sat down and reviewed all the results. We then took an additional X ray of my neck, one that no one else had taken. After looking at my neck and spine, she explained the problems with my arc of life as well as the twisting of my spine. She listened to my fears, explained her plan of care. She let me know up front that this was not a quick fix, that treatment had to be slow and gentle to prevent problems. With a great deal of fear, yet total confidence in Dr. Alicia, I had my first adjustment. That was over a year ago.
Today I fish with my husband, dress myself, play with my grandchildren and enjoy a life that I thought was over. I have started back knitting and sewing and we are getting ready to go on a two month long fishing trip in our camper. If God had not sent His angel to eat Chinese food or sent an angel whose hands were guided by Him, I would not be here to enjoy the life that has been given back to me.
Hydrocodone APAP dose increased to 10/500 every 6 hours, Alieve I -2 tabs twice a day, Oxycotin Twice a day, Morphine 5 mg every 6 hours-increased to MS contin (long acting morphine )30mg twice a day with Mor-phine immediate release every 12 hours as needed, Lexapro IO mg. daily, Gabapentin IOO mg. twice daily increased to 300mg three times a day, Two other pain meds I can't remember.
After adjustments with Dr. Alicia, I take Tylenol pm at bedtime, and occasionally take Aleve as needed when the pain is severe (after working in my flower garden or overdoing things).
Dr. Alicia,
I just want to say thank you for what you have done so far. I have Uveitis and had it since the 90' s. The doctors say I am one of the 10 % that don't know why I have it, so for me there is no cure. My vision has been impaired for a long time and has gotten worse this past year. The medicine the doctors put me on gave me cataracts in both eyes because I was on predforte for so long. I still have the flare ups but because of my visits with you my vision is slowly coming back. The last doctor was very rude and disrespectful to me so I didn't make another appointment with their office. God Bless you and your team.
Thank you again,
Uveitis is an inflammation of the eye. It involves the iris (colored part of the eye), choroid (a thin membrane containing many blood vessels), and ciliary body (the part of the eye that joins these together). also called the uveal tract or uvea. The uvea is very important because its many veins and arteries transport blood to the parts of the eye that are critical for vision.
What Are the Symptoms of Uveitis?
Eye redness and irritation.
Blurred vision.
Eye pain.
Increased sensitivity to light.
Floating spots before the eyes.
My Chiropractic Testimony:
What was your particular condition? When did it begin? How long have you had it? What
caused it? What did it feel like when it was at its worst?
-I had pain in my back and neck since 1998, crashed crop-duster
What have you tried in the past to get rid of your condition & what were the results? (Over the
counter or prescription medications, therapies, exercise, surgery, physicians, etc.)
-Six Lortab daily and massage therapy
Describe how this condition/s might have affected you, your work, your family and social life,
and/or your hobbies/exercises.
-Could not work and on disability
Who referred you gr how did you find out about our office?
-My Massage Therapist – Melissa L.
What results have you had? How has chiropractic changed or improved your life?
-I do not take pain meds and now working part time
Describe your impression of chiropractic, Dr. Alicia, and our team. Please include any candid comments regarding Dr. Alicia, our team, your results, and what you would like to tell others.
-Dr Alicia helped me tremendously
I hereby give my permission to Dr. Alicia to use my testimony to promote the expansion of
chiropractic. It is my understanding that my testimonial will be used to encourage others, with
health problems, to choose chiropractic care.
Thank you for helping to change the lives of others in our community.
Dear Dr. Alicia,
I just wanted to let you know that the last 3 weeks has changed my life. I have been battling different diets and low calorie diets for years, running, weight training etc. And the combination of Surge and the healing diet is finally a life style I can live with and achieve my weight loss as well as fitness.
In the last 3 weeks I have lost 10 pounds and almost 3 inches off my waist and 1 whole inch of my thighs, I have tons of energy and feel strong and healthy. Igor and I have signed up for our first 5k Feb 12, and plan to sign up for more finally building up to the Mullet man Tri in April. This is a Huge accomplishment for me alone, this Healing Diet has given me the strength to face my fears.
The greatest of all is not only will this plan better my life, but also my husband's, and our unborn children. My parents are even seeing a difference in our life styles and are trying to adapt theirs too. Overall I am very pleased with the results and am blessed to have you in my life. I love you and thank you for everything you have done for Igor and l. I did not keep up with the points as I only wanted to do this plan for personal reasons, rather than winning, but I truly feel like the Biggest winner. Thank you.